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Appuis sanitaires aux exploitations des plans d'eau douce: Cas du barrage Sidi Salem

Appuis sanitaires aux exploitations des plans d'eau douce: Cas du barrage Sidi Salem

16/11/2021 - 16/11/2030 0 Commenti

Feedback Webinar: Revealing Algae Biotechnological Potentials to Contribute to Sustainable Blue Growth in the Mediterranean

INSTM's Blue Biotechnology and Aquatic Bioproducts laboratory (B3Aqua) in collaboration with ATIS (Tunisian Association for Scientific Information) and funded by GSSTAR (Global Seaweeed Star project) and ISAP (International Society of Applied Phycology) organized on September 28, 2021 a Webinar entitled "Revealing Algae Biotechnological Potentials to Contribute to ...
ottobre 1, 2021 0 Commenti