Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


Revue de presse

Infographie - De nouvelles mesures pour lutter contre les maladies animales

Les épidémies de grippe aviaire ou de fièvre aphteuse ont montré que les maladies animales pouvaient aussi toucher les animaux de compagnie, voire être transmises à l'homme. La commission de l'agriculture a approuvé cette semaine de nouvelles mesures visant à mieux prévenir et à empêcher ce type d'épidémies. Au-delà de l'aspect sanitaire, les maladies animales ont également un impact sur l'économie européenne. Consultez notre infographie pour en savoir plus.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
Article rating: No rating

Communiqué de presse - Prévenir les épidémies de maladies animales: accord avec le Conseil soutenu - Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Des mesures visant à prévenir et stopper les épidémies de maladies animales comme la grippe aviaire ou la peste porcine africaine, conclues de manière informelle entre les députés et le Conseil en juin 2015, ont été approuvées en commission de l'agriculture mardi. Le projet législatif de l'UE sur les maladies transmissibles chez les animaux et aussi potentiellement aux humains se concentrera davantage sur la prévention et contribuera à suivre l'évolution des progrès scientifiques.
Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
Article rating: No rating

#EUFishEcon: “cooperation, cooperation, cooperation”

Economic Advice in Fisheries Management: a trilogue between Science, Administration and Stakeholders”, was the title of a conference organised recently by DG MARE of the European Commission, in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) and the University of Malta. FARNET was there also to highlight how CLLD is enabling fishing communities to develop new and innovative fisheries management initiatives.

The event gathered over 220 participants, including policy makers, fisheries scientists, NGOs, trade and seafood processing organisations, and small and large scale fisheries associations, from inside and outside the EU, for 1.5 days of lively and rich discussions (see outputs here). Quoting Commissioner Karmenu Vella in his opening speech, “we need accurate and relevant economic advice to back up our policy proposals… and we need to find ways to take into account that seafood markets are becoming ever more integrated and globalised…  so that the force stays with us.

With CLLD and FARNET present at this event, the point was made that a cooperative approach, bringing together local knowledge, smart science-fisheries partnerships and appropriately designed data collection tools, can support the design of more efficient fisheries management policies for local communities. Illustrated during the event with examples such as Telecapêche, a French Axis 4 supported catch data reporting system in Brittany, and the “relational capital in fishing communities” study by the Stretto FLAG in Calabria, Italy, there is clear evidence that FLAGs & blueCLLD can help to bring balance to the force in fisheries management.

For more information on the event and all presentations, click here.

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Investir en

Le Pôle de Compétitivité de Bizerte : animateur de la filière des produits de la mer (M. Bellakhal)

Author: Anonym
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Cooperazione nella pesca, meeting di BioVecQ


Author: Anonym
Article rating: No rating

TrapaniOggi - Al via il meeting del progetto BioVecQ.

Si svolge a Trapani, da oggi fino a sabato prossimo, il IV meeting del progetto BIOVecQ, iniziativa di cooperazione transfrontaliera promossa all’interno del programma europeo Italia-Tunisia. L’iniziativa che vede coinvolte le massime istituzioni scientifiche siciliane e tunisine operanti nella ricerca applicata del settore dei prodotti della pesca mira a favorire lo sviluppo e lo sfruttamento sostenibile della pesca nei due contesti territoriali attraverso l’integrazione e l’armonizzazione di processi biotecnologici, strumenti analitici e decisionali. (Scritto il 19 marzo 2015)

Author: Anonym
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«février 2016»

Regional Fishery Bodies sign Agreement to Improve Coordination for Sustainable Fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic Region

Cartagena, Colombia, 27 January 2016
Three Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs): the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM); the Organization of the Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector (OSPESCA); and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations - Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission (FAO-WECAFC) on Wednesday 27 January signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate, support and strengthen the coordination of actions among the three RFBs to increase the sustainability of fisheries.

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#EUFishEcon: “cooperation, cooperation, cooperation”

Economic Advice in Fisheries Management: a trilogue between Science, Administration and Stakeholders”, was the title of a conference organised recently by DG MARE of the European Commission, in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) and the University of Malta. FARNET was there also to highlight how CLLD is enabling fishing communities to develop new and innovative fisheries management initiatives.

The event gathered over 220 participants, including policy makers, fisheries scientists, NGOs, trade and seafood processing organisations, and small and large scale fisheries associations, from inside and outside the EU, for 1.5 days of lively and rich discussions (see outputs here). Quoting Commissioner Karmenu Vella in his opening speech, “we need accurate and relevant economic advice to back up our policy proposals… and we need to find ways to take into account that seafood markets are becoming ever more integrated and globalised…  so that the force stays with us.

With CLLD and FARNET present at this event, the point was made that a cooperative approach, bringing together local knowledge, smart science-fisheries partnerships and appropriately designed data collection tools, can support the design of more efficient fisheries management policies for local communities. Illustrated during the event with examples such as Telecapêche, a French Axis 4 supported catch data reporting system in Brittany, and the “relational capital in fishing communities” study by the Stretto FLAG in Calabria, Italy, there is clear evidence that FLAGs & blueCLLD can help to bring balance to the force in fisheries management.

For more information on the event and all presentations, click here.

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Communiqué de presse - Prévenir les épidémies de maladies animales: accord avec le Conseil soutenu - Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Des mesures visant à prévenir et stopper les épidémies de maladies animales comme la grippe aviaire ou la peste porcine africaine, conclues de manière informelle entre les députés et le Conseil en juin 2015, ont été approuvées en commission de l'agriculture mardi. Le projet législatif de l'UE sur les maladies transmissibles chez les animaux et aussi potentiellement aux humains se concentrera davantage sur la prévention et contribuera à suivre l'évolution des progrès scientifiques.
Commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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Infographie - De nouvelles mesures pour lutter contre les maladies animales

Les épidémies de grippe aviaire ou de fièvre aphteuse ont montré que les maladies animales pouvaient aussi toucher les animaux de compagnie, voire être transmises à l'homme. La commission de l'agriculture a approuvé cette semaine de nouvelles mesures visant à mieux prévenir et à empêcher ce type d'épidémies. Au-delà de l'aspect sanitaire, les maladies animales ont également un impact sur l'économie européenne. Consultez notre infographie pour en savoir plus.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
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