Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


Revue de presse

International Technical Webinar on Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Biosecurity in Aquaculture: FAO candidate Reference Centers on AMR and Aquaculture Biosecurity, 20-21 December 2021

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to human and animal health; it endangers modern human and veterinary medicine and undermines the safety of our food and environment. Antimicrobials play a critical role in the treatment of diseases of farm animals (aquatic and terrestrial) and plants, and therefore their effectiveness must be preserved. Their use is essential to food security, our well-being and to animal welfare.

The misuse of antimicrobials increases the rate of emergence and spread of resistant organisms, placing both human and animals at risk. To support implementation of FAO Resolution 4/2015, which recognized the serious threat presented by AMR, FAO has developed an action plan (2021-2025) which addresses focal areas of activity to address this threat, including raising awareness, increasing capacity for surveillance and monitoring, and the promotion of good practices in food and agricultural systems, including antimicrobial use.

In this regard, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI) and Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute (PRFRI) of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (China), Nitte University (India) and the Mississippi State University (USA) are proposed for designation as "FAO Reference Centre on AMR and Aquaculture Biosecurity".

During this virtual event, speakers from the above FAO candidate reference centers will present and share their knowledge on AMR and aquaculture biosecurity to increase the understanding of overview and current status of knowledge on AMR and its mitigation measures in aquaculture.

Link to programme and presentations can be found here.


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Quatrième atelier de recherche-industrie: Planification des travaux sur l’Enrichissement des microalgues en oligoéléments

Quatrième atelier de recherche-industrie: Planification des travaux sur l’Enrichissement des microalgues en oligoéléments

21-24 Décembre 2021

Author: Saloua Sadok
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Virtual course on the Design of an Active Surveillance for Diseases of Aquatic Organisms using a 12-point Checklist

31 August to 13 September 2021

This virtual training course is being carried out under the auspices of the TCP/EGY/3705: Enhancing biosecurity governance to support sustainable aquaculture production in Egypt. A 12-point checklist in the design and practical application of active surveillance of diseases in aquatic organisms (farmed and wild population) was developed to serve as a methodological approach and guidance for a multidisciplinary team particularly in countries where surveillance expertise is limited. It is a stepwise and pragmatic approach that offers a good starting point for addressing disease issues especially in developing countries. It can be used as a model to build targeted surveillance competency and a basic reference when implementing a surveillance programme or improving existing programmes. The checklist is based on a review of available main aquatic surveillance references and scientific literature and was further developed based on the outcomes of several aquaculture biosecurity project-related workshops hosted by the FAO (Bondad-Reantaso et al. 2021;

The 12-point checklist includes the following:

  1. scenario setting;
  2. defining surveillance objective;
  3. (defining the populations;
  4. disease clustering;
  5. case definition;
  6. diagnostic testing;
  7. study design and sampling;
  8. data collection and management;
  9. data analysis;
  10. validation and quality assurance;
  11. human and financial resources and logistics requirements; and
  12. surveillance in the bigger picture.

For a multidisciplinary team approach to disease control, knowledge of fish biology, aquaculture systems and many aspects of aquaculture health management and biosecurity are required. Surveillance needs significant financial investment and must be supported by adequate diagnostic capability, information system management, legal framework and communication networks, with transparent reporting mechanisms to allow rapid disease response for serious diseases of aquatic organisms. Thus, an appropriate design of the surveillance plan and practical implementation are very important.

The virtual course is presented in English and Arabic languages.

Further information can be obtained via email:

Presentations and reference materials are available here.

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webinaire en phycologie appliquée du 28 septembre 2021

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) organizes, in association with the Tunisian Assocaition for Scientific Information (ATIS) and funded by Global seaweed STAR (GSSTAR) and the international Society of applied Phycology (ISAP), a one-day online training course on September 28, entitled: “Revealing Algae Biotechnological Potentials to Contribute to Sustainable Blue Growth in Mediterranean ".
For registration, visit this link :
Author: Saloua Sadok
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New publication: Seaweeds and microalgae: an overview for unlocking their potential in global aquaculture development

Seaweeds and microalgae: an overview for unlocking their potential in global aquaculture development

(FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular 1229)

Algae, including seaweeds and microalgae, contribute nearly 30 percent of world aquaculture production (measured in wet weight), primarily from seaweeds. Seaweeds and microalgae generate socio-economic benefits to tens of thousands of households, primarily in coastal communities, including numerous women empowered by seaweed cultivation. Various human health contributions, environmental benefits and ecosystem services of seaweeds and microalgae have drawn increasing attention to untapped potential of seaweed and microalgae cultivation. Highly imbalanced production and consumption across geographic regions implies a great potential in the development of seaweed and microalgae cultivation. Yet joint efforts of governments, the industry, the scientific community, international organizations, civil societies, and other stakeholders or experts are needed to realize the potential. This document examines the status and trends of global algae production with a focus on algae cultivation, recognizes the algae sector’s existing and potential contributions and benefits, highlights a variety of constraints and challenges over the sector’s sustainable development, and discusses lessons learned and way forward to unlock full potential in algae cultivation and FAO’s roles in the process. From a balanced perspective that recognizes not only the potential of algae but also constraints and challenges upon the realization of the potential, information and knowledge provided by this document can facilitate evidence-based policymaking and sector management in algae development at the global, regional and national levels.


See also the WAPI factsheet on Global seaweeds and microalgae production, 1950–2019

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Investir en

Le Pôle de Compétitivité de Bizerte : animateur de la filière des produits de la mer (M. Bellakhal)

Author: Anonym
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Cooperazione nella pesca, meeting di BioVecQ


Author: Anonym
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TrapaniOggi - Al via il meeting del progetto BioVecQ.

Si svolge a Trapani, da oggi fino a sabato prossimo, il IV meeting del progetto BIOVecQ, iniziativa di cooperazione transfrontaliera promossa all’interno del programma europeo Italia-Tunisia. L’iniziativa che vede coinvolte le massime istituzioni scientifiche siciliane e tunisine operanti nella ricerca applicata del settore dei prodotti della pesca mira a favorire lo sviluppo e lo sfruttamento sostenibile della pesca nei due contesti territoriali attraverso l’integrazione e l’armonizzazione di processi biotecnologici, strumenti analitici e decisionali. (Scritto il 19 marzo 2015)

Author: Anonym
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