Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


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giovedì 11 dicembre 2014

Policy Makers, Aquaculture and Fish Health Experts identify tools and programmes to be adopted in order to improve management and strengthen aquatic biosecurity governance in Africa

An aquatic biosecurity governance workshop bringing together more than 120 participants from Africa was held in Durban, South Africa between 05 and 07 November 2014.

The workshop, whose objective was to support sustainable aquatic food security for dietary animal protein and livelihoods through responsible aquaculture, kicked off with discussions on trends in global, African and SADC regional aquaculture as well as global and commodity-specific trends in aquatic animal health management.

Country specific and industry presentations on disease incidences and on-farm biosecurity management systems from Egypt, Madagascar, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia were made setting the stage for focused group discussions.
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