Projet cofinancé par l’Union Européenne


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FAO at your local fish market: new posters help consumers trace their catch

Area 37 is one of 19 Major Fishing Areas displayed on a new set of posters that FAO is making available to retailers around the world who are keen to respond to increasing consumer demand for better information, as well as evolving labeling standards set by governments.

This includes the European Union, which has recently adopted new labeling standards that make it mandatory for all fishmongers to provide information on the fishing method used and the Major Fishing Areas their seafood was caught.

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Political will and partnerships essential to stop ocean degradation

Oceans are an essential component of the Earth's ecosystem – a source of biodiversity, food, and life – FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva said during a high-level event on the importance of healthy oceans for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As island nations, the economies, livelihoods and existence of SIDS are closely linked to the health and wellbeing of the oceans, the Director-General said - indeed, their development depends on it.
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Brief overviews on 2013 capture and aquaculture production statistics trends have been published

The FAO Fisheries Statistics databases on capture and aquaculture production cover the years 1950-2013. Users can consult these data, together with other global and regional fisheries datasets, through FishStatJ stand-alone software and/or the a online query panel. Brief overviews on capture and aquaculture trends are also available.
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Communiqué de presse - Crise agricole: le plan d'aide de 500 millions d'euros n'est pas suffisant

Séance plénière : Le plan d'aide de 500 millions d'euros de la Commission, annoncé la semaine dernière, représente un pas dans la bonne direction mais pourrait se révéler insuffisant pour aider les agriculteurs en difficulté à remonter la pente face à la baisse des prix, ont affirmé de nombreux députés au commissaire Phil Hogan mercredi soir. Les outils de gestion des crises devraient être améliorés et la position des agriculteurs dans la chaine d'approvisionnement alimentaire renforcée, ont-ils précisé.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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Communiqué de presse - Étendre l'interdiction du clonage animal aux progéniture et importations

Séance plénière : Le Parlement, lors d'un vote mardi, a renforcé la proposition initiale de la Commission interdisant le clonage d'animaux pour y inclure le clonage de tous les animaux de ferme, de leurs descendants et de leurs produits dérivés, y compris les importations dans l'UE.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
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